归档信息 | ||||||
姓名 | 钟丽彩 |
英文名 | ||||||
性别 | 女 | |||||
所属事务所 | 广东良马律师事务所 | |||||
执业类型 | 专职 | |||||
资格证号 | A2009440******* | |||||
取得律师资格证时间 | 2010年03月01日 | |||||
执业证号 | 144032017119***** | |||||
取得律师执业证时间 | 2017年12月20日 | |||||
在深圳开始执业时间 | 2017年12月20日 | |||||
政治面貌 | 群众 | |||||
工作语言 | 中文(普通话、粤语、客家话)及英文。 | |||||
业务专长 | ||||||
涉外法律公司法相关遗嘱继承 | ||||||
个人简介 | ||||||
钟丽彩律师是深圳市涉外律师人才库成员,集经济学、哲学和法学教育背景,吉林大学全日制法律硕士,从事法律服务工作逾14年。曾任大型科技企业、上市公司、跨国企业和金融机构法务经理或法务总监。专注于企业风险防控、公司治理、股权投融资与并购、跨国投资与贸易、跨国遗产继承法律服务,在涉外民商事法律领域具有丰富的法律服务经验,尤其是具有丰富的国际商事仲裁实务经验和国际视野。目前担任多家企业(含上市公司、跨国集团、外资企业和中小企业)常年法律顾问,善于将企业经营管理需求与法律风险控制有机结合,为客户提供专业有效的法律服务。能以中文普通话、客家话、粤语和英语提供全方位的法律服务,并提供这些语言的同步口译服务和笔译服务,是我国少有的真正能以英语为工作语言和出庭语言代理客户参加以英语为仲裁语言的庭审的中国执业律师。您也可以任命她为中英双语仲裁员或中国法律专家证人,她能够为您节省价格不菲的翻译费用和工作。 钟丽彩律师的联系方式:LawyerLisaZhong@163.com,或微信号“Lawyer_LisaZhong”。 附:钟丽彩律师代理过的典型案例: (1)处理一行政处罚案件,并以精通的法律技能辅以英文搜索及国际比较法成功将政府行政执法部门拟处以约50万元的罚款降为1.1万元,随后通过行政诉讼以期纠正政府执法部门“对没有违法行为或者不应规定为行政违法的行为进行高额处罚”以至于侵害个人的私有财产也阻碍了自由贸易、干涉甚至侵害个人自由的做法,并提醒各方“法律仅有权禁止有害于社会的行为”,为社会谋求正义并促进中国法治进步。庭审期间,政府行政执法部门主动提出“免于处罚”的和解方案。2023年8月,在法官的书面建议下,政府行政执法部门撤销该行政处罚改为“不予处罚”。2023年11月16日,中国法律就该类行为作出微调,明示该类行为属于合法行为。钟丽彩律师代理该案不仅维护当事人的合法权利,亦促进中国法治进步,很可能是中国首例。 (2)代理一金融类仲裁,并以精通的法律技能辅以英文搜索及国际比较法成功将多个非签署方引入仲裁协议(也即仲裁庭审),维护当事人的合法权利,很可能是中国首例。 Lawyer Zhong Li Cai is a member of the listed lawyers in Shenzhen who can handle foreign-related and international matters. She has educational background in economics, philosophy and law, and graduated from Jilin University Law School with a master's degree in law and has been engaged in legal services for more than 14 years. She served as the legal manager of a big technology company, which is also an A-share Company listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, and a multinational giant enterprise. She also served as the legal manager of a financial institution. Focusing on providing legal services on corporate risk prevention and management, corporate governance, equity investment, financing, mergers & acquisitions, cross-border investment and international trade, cross-border inheritance, she has extensive experience in foreign-related civil and commercial laws and dispute resolutions. In particular, she has extensive experience in international commercial arbitration, and she has an international perspective in various areas of legal practice. At present, she serves as legal counsel for many enterprises (including A-share listed companies, multinational groups, foreign-funded enterprises, and small or medium-sized enterprises), and is good in combining the needs of enterprise operations and management with legal risk prevention. Lawyer Zhong Li Cai provides her clients with a full range of professional and effective legal services in Chinese Mandarin, Hakka, Cantonese and English, and with simultaneous interpretation services and legal translation services in these languages, and she is one of the few practicing lawyers in China who is able to represent clients in arbitration proceedings using English as a native language. You can also appoint her as a bilingual arbitrator or expert on Chinese law, therefore saving you a lot of money and effort on translation. You may contact Lawyer Zhong Li Cai at: LawyerLisaZhong@163.com, or WeChat account “Lawyer_LisaZhong”. Attached: Typical cases represented by Lawyer Zhong Li Cai: (1) She handled an administrative penalty case, and, with her professional excellence supplemented by research in English and International Comparative Law, reduced the fine imposed from about CNY half an million to CNY 11,000, and subsequently filed a litigation against the government in order to correct their wrong doing of “severe penalties for acts that do not violate the law or should not be defined as violations”, resulting in infringement on individuals' private property and hindering free trade, and even interference on individuals' freedom. Through this case, the client intends to seek justice for Chinese society and advance the rule of law in China,and also reminds all parties involved that "the law only has the power to prohibit acts harmful to the society". During the trial, the governments took the initiative to offer a compromise of "exemption from punishment". Later on, the Judge suggested that the governments revoke the administrative penalty. On 16 of November 2023, Chinese law made minor adjustments to such acts, making it clear that such acts are legal. Lawyer Zhong Li Cai's representation in this case not only protects the rights of the client, but also promotes the progress of the rule of law in China. This case is probably the first of its kind in China. (2) She handled a financial arbitration, and, with her professional excellence supplemented by research in English and International Comparative Law, brought in multiple non-signatories to an arbitration agreement. This case is probably the first of its kind in China. |
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