事务所名称 | 广东华商(龙岗)律师事务所 |
英文名称 | China Commercial (Long Gang) Law Firm |
主管机关 | 龙岗区 |
执业证号 | 24403201411403906 |
统一社会信用代码 | 31440000305828183B |
设立时间 | 2014年05月07日 |
负责人 | 陈东 |
派驻律师 | 蔡春雷 陈志钧 崔艳玲 戴振军 高瑞琼 管铁流 黄小明 刘泽华 苏凌云 肖 莹 杨文杰 |
律师人数 | 56 |
执业律师 | 艾 青 敖 翔 蔡春雷 曹茂荻 曾柏承 曾 迈 陈 东 陈志钧 储著衡 崔艳玲 戴振军 邓荣花 丁秀玲 方志烽 高瑞琼 管曲波 管铁流 郭文舟 古诗咏 韩建伟 何锦怡 黄小明 姜 涛 梁 瑞 李剑桥 李书呈 刘 浩 刘 昊 刘继军 刘艳群 刘泽华 李勇君 罗 成 罗 娟 庞 海 沈瑞玲 苏凌云 唐金玉 谭立亮 王 燕 伍德春 吴建华 邬曼红 肖 莹 许文浩 杨文杰 闫维军 易 鑫 袁广玉 余俊杰 张欢欢 张婉仪 张振国 郑 龙 钟美宏 邹 争 |
办公地址 | 广东省深圳市龙岗区荣超英隆大厦A座2201-2210 |
邮政编码 | 518172 |
总机电话 | 0755-89750818 |
传真号码 | 0755-89750828 |
电子邮箱 | hslg@huashang.cn |
单位网址 | http://www.huashangsz.cn/ |
事务所简介 | 广东华商(龙岗)律师事务所位于深圳市龙岗区中心城荣超英隆大厦12楼,拥有先进的办公设备和设施,汇聚行业精英,是一所规范化、专业化的律师事务所。我所以“勤力、创新、持正、守信”的宗旨,为各政府机关、企事业单位提供高效、优质、专业的法律服务。 China Commercial Law Firm Longgang Branch, located at 12th floor, Rongchao Yinglong Building, Longgang District Centre, Shenzhen, heart of Longgang business sector, better equipped and gathering the legal elites from all over Shenzhen and Longgang, is a large-scaled law firm with standardization and profession. With “diligence, innovation, justice and trust” deep in our soul, we are dedicated to deliver world-class legal service for governments, institutes as well as enterprises. 为实现高度专业化法律服务的目标,华商龙岗由在各专业领域具有专长的合伙人负责,各专业部门密切配合,为客户提供专业化、团队化乃至联动管理式的法律服务,确保为客户提供专业而全面的法律服务。华商龙岗正在建立和完善以政府企业法律顾问、社会公共法律服务、金融和证券、房地产与建设工程、知识产权法律服务为核心品牌,以商事法律、争议解决等为基础业务的法律服务体系。 To achieve the ultimate goal of profession, Longgang Branch will deliver professional, collaborative and linked administrative legal service charged by partner lawyers with expertise and closely associated with each branch. Longgang Branch has built a comprehensive legal service system with government legal counsel, social public legal service, corporation security, intellectual and bank & capital legal service as core brand, and with commercial law, dispute resolution as foundation service. 广东华商律师事务所(以下简称“华商所”)创建于1993年12月,是全国第一批获准设立的合伙律师事务所。经过20余年发展,华商所已成为国内规模最大的综合性法律服务机构之一,在国内外,华商所设立多家分所及办公室。2008年,华商所获得“全国优秀律师事务所”称号,也是深圳唯一连续荣获“深圳知名品牌”的律师事务所;华商所不仅是证监会、全国律协评定的全国证券业务综合排名前15名的律师事务所,也是《亚太法律500强》评选出的在公司法和商业法等领域领先的中国律师事务所之一。 Founded in December of 1993,China Commercial Law Firm is one of the first approved partnership law firms in China. For over two decades, China Commercial Law Firm has been continuingly growing, achieved a series of accomplishments, and became one of the biggest comprehensive law firms in China, and has set up multiple branches and offices in domestic and overseas. China Commercial Law Firm is one of the “National Outstanding Law Firm“ and the only law firm in Shenzhen with the prize of “Shenzhen Top Brand“. China Commercial Law Firm is not only one of the top 15 national securities law firms assessed by China Securities Regulatory Commission and National Bar Association, but also one of the annual Asia-Pacific Top 500 law firms awarded by “Asia Pacific Legal 500“. 展望未来,华商龙岗渴望与客户共同成长,共同成就这个伟大时代的伟大梦想。华商将恪守高度自我奉献精神及对社会的责任心,不断创新法律服务产品,尽心竭力为客户提供专业、精细、高效的法律服务。 Looking into the future, Longgang Branch is yearning to grow with its clients and fulfilling the great dream at this great time. Highly observing the sprite of self-dedication and social responsibility, Longgang Branch has been endeavored to innovate legal products and deliver professional and efficient legal service. |